Anorexia Nervosa
As it was mentioned in the introduction, anorexia is psychic disease which abuses more less teenager girl. It is a disease where symptoms are quite obvious like girls do not nearly anything; they lose their weight in very extreme way. The skin is getting worse and worse, they are more tired and depressed. Those girls or women want to look exactly as women, stars, on TV or magazines. And they do not realize that it is not possible. Those models are celebrities use many procedures which make them thinner or even nicer of course. I am talking about more less surgery methods, such as liposuction or any other kind of plastic surgery. They are pushing to look perfect; it is expected from them to look simply perfect.
So the question is why those girls are comparing themselves with illusions created by media and society? Why those girls tend to envy the celebrities?
The problem is that not everyone likes sport, and if someone want to lose some weight, the most effective way how to do it, is sport, but if someone does not incline to sport activity, the second easiest way how to be thinner is to reduce food. The food reduction is very effective, when it is doing in right way, but to stop eating anything you are asking for troubles with health. And those troubles are definitely very serious, it can involved hair loss, problematic skin, shedding of teeth, losing period which can resulting into infertility and in very extreme case you can endanger your heart by incoming stroke, which can be fatal. There are people, who are simply not able to stop eating, so they abuse themselves in different way, they overeat and then vomit it everything. Bulimia will be discussed in other article.
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