Počet zobrazení stránky

neděle 8. května 2011

The recent story of eating disorder victim

On December 30, 2010 it was reported that French model Isabelle Caro died in the age of 28. At one, very crucial stage of her illnesses her weight was only 55 pounds. In 2007 Isabelle began to fight against anorexia even though she was still suffering from this disease. She became the face of the 'No Anorexia' campaign by fashion house Nolita. Italian photographer Oliviero Toscani took the pictures which showed the controversial images of the model looking emaciated. Her body was so devastated because of the illness. An only bone, nothing else was possibly seen. This campaign was made to alarm that the situation is bad. Isabelle tried to fight against the “optimal size” for supermodels, which is size 0. According to Isabelle models are pushing all the time to lose weight for the reason of just looking according to designer´s vision. It does not do anything with healthy, fresh and sexy body. Nowadays models are just bones, in a men case, bones with some muscles. If someone think that anorexic models are only women, it is wrong, men models suffer from eating disorder in the same way.   
Dr. Franko knew Isabelle Caro very well; he was her psychiatrist during the Isaabelle´s treatment. A news reporter asked him how the pressure  girls stay slim contribute to anorexia. And the answer was "By creating a society where thin is associated with success, happiness, wealth, and attractiveness, young girls strive to be thin without recognizing the costs, both physically and mentally. Some have referred to the focus on thinness as a "brain drain" - girls focus on their bodies to the extent that other issues such as family, friends, schools, are left behind.“

1 komentář:

  1. This is a very interesting case of anorexia. I always thought that these girls suffering from anorexia do not realize how skinny they are. Anorexia is considered as a mental disease because the girl looks in the mirror and sees herself as a fat but in fact she is just bones and skin. On the contrary, Isabelle was aware of her illness and she even wanted to warn other girls. I would say that it is sad that it had to go that far until people noticed how serious this disease is and the media’s ideal picture of beauty is still not changing very much…
