Meggie writes about the banner advertising and the influence of it on the society. As a example she provides one very interesting case of this type of advertising called Český Sen/ Czech Dream. There are many intersting information provided. If you are interested in it here is a link:
Nika talks about the guerrilla marketing and buzz marketing. It is very catchy and very well explained and those explanations are supported by videos, quite good one. I focused Nika´s chapter about the negative or non ethical aspect of guerrilla marketing and I was suprised how much I did not know untill know. So you better should check it out:
Bella focuses her attention on political advertsing. She talks anout the political campaings and all those lies politics promise us before the ellections. She also mentions how powerful those campaings could be. It is very well organized and clearly defined. Here is the link:
Beatrice´s blog is very related to my topic, so to me it was very interesting and because I was also focusing on this kind of topic a could perceive it deeply and really think about the cult of beauty of present time. So Beatrise talks about the nowadays phenomen to be as thin as possible even though it is impossible. Check it out:
Annie´s blog is very recebt and really interesting. She talks about the nowadays´s phenomenon, social networks, to be more specific, about Facebook. Annie writes about different aspects of facebook and effects of facebook on people, especially children. If you are interested in problematic of social networks visit this page:
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